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Stryker Investigation Services provides professional subrosa surveillance, covert surveillance, undercover and video surveillance services by a licensed private investigation agency.  Stryker conducts surveillance at the clients request for the purpose of monitoring a particular subject behavior or activities. Likewise, covert physical surveillance of a business that has had frequent break-ins could provide critical video evidence for an arrest and may serve as a deterrent to other criminal behaviour.

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  • check Surveillance

    check Photo Surveillance

    check Video Surveillance

    check Covert Surveillance

  • check Insurance Defense Fraud

    check Workers’ Compensation

    check Recurrent Theft

    check Vandalism

  • check Stalking

    check Fixed Surveillance

    check Large Team Multi-location

    check Drone (within the scope of legal limits)

There are two fundamental types of surveillance, covert (without their knowledge) subrosa a term used by insurance fraud industry to describe covert field surveillance,  and overt or (open and obvious) from this foundation emerge sub-categories such as counter surveillance, inverse surveillance, computer surveillance and recent developments of electronic media and the internet, computer databases.  The word Sub-rosa comes from the Latin, literally “under the rose,” from the ancient association of the rose with confidentiality, the origin of which traces to a famous story in which Cupid gave Harpocrates, the god of silence, a rose to bribe him not to betray the confidence of Venus. Hence, the ceilings of Roman banquet rooms were decorated with roses to remind guests that what was spoken sub-vino (under the influence of wine) was also sub rosa.   Another although not widely used in the English dialect is Hagakure, (meaning in the Shadow of Leaves), or Hagakure Kikigaki. Hagakure chronicles ideals, spiritual concepts by Yamamoto Tsunetomo taught besides the essential spirit of Bushido the warrior code of the samurai. The written account of the orations of Yamamoto to a fellow samurai between 1709 and 1716.

Call Stryker if you need a PI… stryker finds answers! Dan.Hawthorne

Release date: 07.07.2015