Talk to a Professional Private Investigator - One solution for all your investigative services

Private Investigator

Private Investigator Stryker Investigation Services | 3355 Lenox Road NE, Suite 750, Atlanta, GA 30326 (678) 601-6148


  • Looking for a Private Investigator?  Don’t know who to hire? Decide exactly what you want them to do and hire a licensed investigator with experience – Stryker Investigations Services has been licensed in California since 2000.

    The duties of Stryker’s private detectives vary according to our clients’ needs, and  services requested. During the course of their training and work, they acquire a skill-set that can be applied across a number of fields. Those investigators who wish to advance aggressively pursue additional duties and responsibilities, such as late night and weekend projects. Small firms or solo investigators have all the same problems small business owners face: client recruitment, instability of income, and unpredictable staffing needs. Private investigators that have lasted ten years in the profession (should) have strong reputations and valuable experience.

    private investigator (often abbreviated to PI) and often called detective, investigator, or a private detective. A PI is a skilled investigator hired by a business, law firm, attorney or insurance company to search for information. A licensed and experienced investigator routinely uncover information that nefarious individuals would attempt to cancel. Private investigators can also be used to perform due diligence for an investor who may be considering investing money with an investment group, fund manager or other high-risk business or investment venture.

  • Private Investigator Stryker Investigation Services | Atlanta
    Private Investigator Insurance Investigations | Asset Searches, surveillance, background checks, background investigations, records research, AOE/COE statements and interviews, subrogation, skip-trace, alive and well, social media searches, investigations, hospital and pharmacy checks, evidence gathering, accident scene canvass… Call and talk to a professional investigator (800) 733-1950.
  • Should you have questions about our fee structure and services you’re welcome to call…
    Consultations are free and you’ll talk to a professional Private Investigator. (678) 601-6148


    An undercover private investigator, undercover detective, or undercover agent is a person who conducts investigations of suspected or confirmed criminal activity while impersonating a disinterested third party. Undercover investigators often infiltrate a suspected insurgent group, posing as a person interested in purchasing illegal goods or services with the ultimate aim of obtaining information about their assigned target. Many undercover investigators carry hidden cameras and recorders strapped to their bodies to help them document their investigations. The period of the investigation could last for several months or, in some extreme cases, years. Due to the dangerous nature of the job, their real identities are kept secret throughout their active careers. Economic investigations, business intelligence and information on competitors, security advice, special security services information, criminal investigation, investigations background and profile polygraph tests, are all typical examples of such a role.


  • checkCalifornia



    checkNorth Carolina





  • Private investigators may travel to and operate in other states, provided they follow the state requirements for doing so. Many states allow private investigators to cross state lines for private investigative purposes, provided they initiate their investigation in their home state. State licenses for private investigators cannot be transferred to other states, with one exception. A few states have entered into reciprocity agreements, which allow private investigators to conduct business between these states without holding a separate license.

    Investigations are limited to thirty (30) days per agency per case in all states, with the exception of Tennessee, which limits investigations to fifteen (15) days. Investigations exceeding the above time limits must be handled by a private investigator licensed in the state where the investigation is being conducted.


  • errorAlabama


    errorColorado (voluntary PI licensing available)



    errorSouth Dakota

    errorWyoming – It is regulated by local jurisdictions

  • Those states without licensure for private investigators at either the state or local level—Idaho, Mississippi and South Dakota—all have active professional associations that have defined bylaws and codes of ethics. Membership in these private investigator associations provides a clear set of standards for the practice of private investigation. If you have an investigative need in any of these state here are a few suggestions. Once a PI is selected, talk to the investigator (or their representative) and discuss the case with them, to include what you want to know, what your expectations are and how much you can afford (total). The PI should readily provide options and inform you if your goals and finances are realistic for the case. If the PI cannot provide this information, you may want to look elsewhere. Once you are in agreement with a PI, a written contract may be drawn up that specifically states what will be done, deadlines, fees, frequency of reports, estimated costs, etc, so that no significant issues are left unknown. While a written contract is not required by law, the lack of such an instrument can prove detrimental for both the PI and the client if problems later arise. Once the PI has completed the agreed upon work, the client is required to pay the PI (or as otherwise agreed upon) before the PI is required to provide a case report to the client. The case report may be written or verbal.

Call Stryker if you need a PI… stryker finds answers! Dan.Hawthorne