Talk to a Professional Private Investigator - One solution for all your investigative services

Statements and Interviews

Stryker investigators gathers factual information and provides field intelligence functions through integrated teams of intelligence analysts, social media analysts, physical surveillance specialists, and a dedicated number of special investigators. Our investigations are thorough and include details about the event, accidents and other unusual circumstances. It is important to obtain witness statements early on in the case. Once witnesses have been located, the next step in the investigation is to contact the witnesses and determine what information or evidence they possess. Should the investigator conclude the information is valuable we will obtain a written or recorded statement from the witnesses. Every investigation report has the same basic objective… even the canvass reports. Their objectives are to collect, assemble, and preserve evidence. Find facts known to be true and those that may be presumed from all the evidence. Gather the best available evidence with the least possible delay and make determinations and recommendations for counsel to obtain their disposition.

It is the investigator’s duty during the due diligence phase to vet witness, confirm the accuracy of a witness’s statements and determine the validity of the evidence. However, ultimately it is the witness’s responsibility to ensure that the evidence he or she gives is truthful. It is good practice to remind witnesses expressly of this from time to time. It is essential that your witness statement is as comprehensive as possible as witness statements are a crucial part of a party’s case.


Stryker’s policy is that all witness interviews, investigation reports, and evidence acquisition are set upon a strict principal foundation; that all information, is critical and should be prepared and presented to our clients, ready for intense scrutiny and cross-examination. Stryker has developed a simple but very specific interview technique, as such our questions are structured around specific categories that include:


    • Character Evidence – California Code Evidence Code Chapter 1. Evidence Of Character, Habit, Or Custom.
    • Pre-existing Evidence – HIPPA compliant medical release.
    • Testimonial Evidence – Evid. Code § 701, 752, 754; Fed. Rules Evid. 604.
    • Relevant Evidence – California Code Evidence.
    • Real Evidence – Tangible objects, tools, equipment etc. 
    • Factual Evidence – Facts that can be entered as evidence.
    • Demonstrative Evidence – Evidence that represents or illustrates the real thing such as photos, videos, diagrams, maps, charts.
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